Kimchi Jjigae


KIMCHI JJIGAE It’s that time of year again. Dreaded colds and sinusitis are running rampant. For the past week I have been dealing with the head and nose then the chest and cough. I tried conventional over the counter medicine along with ginger tea and loquat syrup but I needed something more. (All of my birthday celebrating didn’t help, I am sure.) So I decided to research kimchi. Kimchi (fermented cabbage and veggies) produce a good bacteria, Lactobacillus sakei, that is present in healthy sinuses. Some people put the juice up their nose with success but I was looking for other options. I stumbled on a recipe for kimchi jjigae, a spicy Korean stew. I made a grocery list and traveled to the nearest Asian Market (in Marlboro), came home and prepared the delicious dish. I started with oil, garlic, ginger, shiitake mushrooms and onion. Next I sliced spork belly into bite sized pieces and threw in 1/2 cup of tofu. Then 2 cups of kimchi with juice along with 1 cup of water. Lastly the sauce - 1 tablespoon of pepper flakes, soy sauce and Korea chili paste. Bring it all to a boil and then simmer for 30-45 minutes. Cut up green onion and turn off heat. Boil some rice to serve with the stew and enjoy! It is mighty spicy but I am looking forward to savoring bowls of this over the next few days. Stay well❤️