

SULFORAPHANE Sulforaphane is an antioxidant that stimulates phase II detoxifying enzymes that provides protection against certain carcinogens and toxins. It is found in cabbage, kale, radishes and all other cruciferous vegetables. The two most rich in sulforaphane are broccoli sprouts and cauliflower. When these vegetables are chewed it creates a chemical reaction that produces sulforaphane. It is best to eat these vegetables raw or lightly steamed and add mustard seed to the vegetables before eating. By doing so, you can maximize the content of sulforaphane you ingest. Some of the benefits of sulforaphane are: healthy aging, increases immunity and defense against disease, favorable impact on autism, support for the cardiovascular system and improves gut health. I have attached a video of Dr. Rhonda Patrick, discussing the importance of sulforaphane in more detail. While you are cooking, cleaning, working, chilling or commuting give this a listen. Enlighten yourself to simple choices that lead to better wellness for you and the ones you love. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is brilliant and this video is full of valuable information. Stay well.